Monday, August 24, 2009

LoriAnne's 1st day of Pre-K

How is this girl already 4 years old? LoriAnne started her 1st day of pre-k and absolutely loves it. I miss having her home but she does so well being on a schedule and she loves her teacher.

All the kids make a paper doll all dressed up how they want to decorate it. Of course LoriAnne wanted hers to be dressed up as a ballerina.

Sabrina and LoriAnne are in the same class.

Mrs. Diane and LoriAnne. We love Mrs. Diane and are so happy LoriAnne has her this year!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

LoriAnne having FUN with Emily

LoriAnne was able to have one more sleep over with Emily before she starts school next week. So they had allot of fun baking, playing dress up, getting nails painted, "not" going to bed, etc.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Mikey started school today

Mikey started school again today at Franklin Elementary in their Special Ed pre-k. He is doing so well. I love his teacher and I am excited to see the progress he will make over the school year. We love you Mikey!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Robyn first day of 1st Grade

I can not believe that Robyn is a 1st grader. She is growing up too fast. She is such a great big sister and I am so glad that she is part of our family. We love you Robyn!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

"Uncle" Nate & "Aunt" Tamara's Wedding

We had a nice couple of days with Family. Dave's brother got married so we did a whirlwind trip to Utah so we could be there for the wedding. On Sunday Dave's sister Suzy blessed their new addition to their family (I am so glad we were there for that special day). Then Monday all the cousins had the day to play together. Tuesday was wedding day. The wedding was in the morning, then we went to the wedding luncheon, and the reception was that evening. On Wednesday we flew home. It was a fast trip. I wish we had more time to visit with everyone but I am so greatful that we could be there to witness Nate & Tamara's sealing in the Temple.