Friday, November 28, 2008

Just For Fun

I thought I would post one of LoriAnne's latest hair styles. It is hard coming up with things to do with her hair. She has cut her hair so many different lengths all over. So I am very limited right now. However, I did have fun with this one and I think it came out pretty good considering what I had to work with.

Monday, November 24, 2008

We LOVE Jump Zone!

The kids have the entire week off of school. So we had fun today at Jump Zone. The kids love it there. We took 3 of the neighbor kids with us. All 7 of them had a great time. My kids came home and took naps. It was a great day!

Jonathan having fun riding on this car.

Mikey really enjoyed going on all the bouncers.

LoriAnne in "action"

Kennedy (one of the neighbor kids) and Robyn.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Thanksgiving Feast

Robyn had a Thanksgiving Feast at her school. So the boys and I joined her for a yummy Turkey Lunch. It was fun being with Robyn at school. She is always so happy that we are there with her.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


As Thanksgiving approaches I have been reflecting on many things I am grateful for. Top of the list is my husband. I am married to one of the most caring people. Dave is always so good to me and treats me like a queen. Dave has always been a great husband and father. I know he learned allot of this from his parents. Dave never ceases to amaze me with all his many "talents". I am not sure there is much that this man can not do. I love you Dave! Thanks for all you do for me and our children!!!!

This picture was taken when Robyn was 3 months old. This is at the LA airport on our way to visit Grandma & Grandpa Pendley.

Fall Fun!

When Dave got home from work today he decided to clean up the leaves in the front yard. Being the fun dad that he is he let the kids have fun in the piles of leaves before he picked them all up. They had allot of fun.

LoriAnne helping daddy with his new toy :)
Robyn having fun with Jonathan

Robyn making leaf (snow) Angels.

Mikey trying out what Robyn was doing :)

Story Time @ the Library

Today we went to Story Time at the Library. It was on Thanksgiving. The kids had allot of fun. The craft they made were these Turkeys. They also did the Turkey Pokey (Hokey Pokey) and a couple other fun turkey themed activities.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Day 2 of "Less Hair"

This morning I was trying to come up with a hair style for LoriAnne's hair. I knew she would not keep a head band on at school. So I created a head band look with rubber bands. Parts of the top of her hair are so short that it makes it hard to do much with it.

We will see what I come up with for tomorrow. I think she may have learned her lesson. She was crying this morning saying she did not want her hair to look this short. Unfortunately you can't glue hair back on.

Monday, November 17, 2008


Why do little girls like to cut their hair? Why do they always seem to find scissors? Why did LoriAnne have to cut sooooo much hair off her head? The 1st few pictures do not look soooo bad but she really did a JOB on her hair. I took her to the salon to get it fixed and the last picture is what it looks like now. Her hair grows sooooo slow. I think I am going to have to convince her to wear hats!

Let's Play Outside...

The kids for some reason wanted to play outside even if it was VERY cold out this morning. So we played outside until the kids were too cold. Of course the only child who would wear a jacket was Michael.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Fall is here...Winter is right around the corner

I missed my window of opportunity of taking pictures of "fall" here in Tennessee. We have had allot of rain this week and most of the leaves are falling off the trees. So I searched the internet and found some pictures that other people have taken of the "fall" here in Tennessee. It is absolutely breathtaking.

This first picture is actually taken in Franklin, Tn where we live.

This next picture is somewhere in East Tennessee but it looks like many of the areas surrounding where we live.

This last picture is also of some place in East Tennessee but this is what I would see while driving around places over the past few weeks. I feel so blessed to live in such a beautiful place.


Like I said before I am a creature of habit. Since I am out of habit on updating my blog on a regular basis then it doesn't happen. So now I am trying to get back on track. We have had allot of visitors over the past month and have really enjoyed all the visits. We miss living close to family and friends.
My sister is moving here December 21st with her family. They will be living about an hour away from us but that is sooooooooooo much closer then California :) I can't wait to see my sister and her family in a few weeks. When my brother in-law came here for his interview he brought my nephew so I was able to spend a few days with him. Here is a picture I took of the boys a months ago.

Michael, Jason, Jonathan

LoriAnne and the Funny things she says...

LoriAnne was loving having her "Ather" here this past weekend. Ather left on Tuesday. I dropped Ather and Auntie D off at the airport while LoriAnne was at school. When I picked LoriAnne up that day the first thing she asked was where is Ather. So I had to break the news to her. She balled and was unhappy the rest of the night. The next morning LoriAnne woke up and this is how the conversation goes...

LoriAnne: Mom, when is Ather coming today?
Robyn: LoriAnne, Ather went back home yesterday.
LoriAnne (with her hands on her hips): Robyn, I know that! I was not talking about yesterday I am talking about today!

What a funny kid!

Ather and Auntie D you are both missed and we look forward to seeing you again soon!!!!

Our Visit With Auntie D & Ather

This past weekend Auntie D and Ather came for a visit. I picked them up from the airport Friday night with LoriAnne and Robyn. I wish I had my camera with me to capture the girls excitement. Then Saturday we went to Robyn's soccer game. Sunday we went to church and drove around town after church to site see. On Monday we went to Opryland and walked around. We even saw the amazing vine lady "Divine". We really enjoyed having them here and we miss them already.

All Dressed UP!

Robyn went to a birthday party for one of her friends. It was a princess party and everyone went dressed up as their favorite Princess. So Robyn dressed up as Cinderella. She had a great time and she looked beautiful too!

More Things Living in our Yard

We now can add a frog or toad (whatever it is :) to the list of things you can find living in our back yard. The kids had fun watching the frog/toad.

Mommy & Me Time w/ the boys

With the girls in school I have had more time to spend with the boys. We have been doing some fun activities together. A couple weeks ago we went on a walk and collected pretty leaves. The boys really enjoyed this activity. Then we came back home and they glued them onto paper.


Dave has a cousin April who lives 45 minutes from us with her family. She moved to Tennessee this summer. While Dave's parents visited us a couple weeks ago we had April's family over for dinner. The cousins had so much fun playing together and it was fun to spend time with April and her husband. April has 4 girls ages 8, 5, 3, & 1. So our kids were in heaven having people to play with. We can't wait to get together with them again soon.