Monday, March 31, 2008

Caught red handed!

LoriAnne is such a funny girl. She likes to see what she can get away with ALLOT! One of the rules of the house is food is only eaten in the kitchen and the dining room. As I was looking for her this morning I found her in the Dora tent, sitting in a doll stroller & eating an apple. She looked so cute and innocent. After taking a couple of pictures I sent her into the kitchen to eat her apple. A few minutes after that I found her in front of the TV eating her apple. Hmmmmm what will she be trying to get away with next ?!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Our Little Cowgirls & CowBoys!

My mom made these horses for the kids. She gave them the horses yesterday. Robyn, LoriAnne, & Michael had so much fun galloping around the house. My mom didn't just give them horses she also got them cowgirl and cowboy hats. What a great gift and so much fun for them! As you can see in the below pictures...Jonathan did not really want to have anything to do with his. I tried to get him to stand up with it but he refused. I finally got a picture of him with his cowboy hat on.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Opry Land

My dad arrived last night to pick up my mom and take her back home (she has been with us for 6 weeks now). They will be here until Monday. So we are busy site seeing over the next couple of days. Today we went to the "Grand Ole Opry Museum", the "Opryland Hotel", and "Opry Mills Mall".

The kids were so GOOD today. They enjoyed getting out of the house for the day. It was nice taking a break from "projects" here at the house.

We enjoyed walking around the Opryland Hotel and Convention Center. (I didn't take this picture. I was having problems with my camera today. So I only was able to take 1/4 of the pictures I had planned on taking)

At the Opryland Hotel they have this lady on stilts that is dressed up like this. It was really fun watching her move around. She is very flexible and she posed many different ways that you would see real ivy doing.

The kids all enjoyed watching the water falls and fish in the water.

LoriAnne actually got her head stuck in the fence.

Jonathan is a happy boy after he finished his lunch at the food court at the Opry Mills Mall.

My dad promised the girls a carousel ride after they ate lunch. The girls somehow talked papa into going on the "tea cup" like spinning thing.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Haircutting UPDATE

See picture in the previous blog entry for a photo of Robyn's hair (after the haircut). You can not really tell the damage that she has done. (thank goodness!) She really has soooooo much hair that it is easy to hide the damage. In the very front she has a small section she cut pretty close to the scalp. The rest of the hair she cut in random places but she left it long enough for me to pull the hair back at the top of her head so it is not noticeable. So I am thankkful that she is a better hair cutter then most 3 & 4 year olds :)

I sure love my "little helpers"

Robyn & LoriAnne have always enjoyed helping me in the kitchen. Now at our new house I have a FABULOUS kitchen with an island in the middle which makes it perfect for all the little helpers. I have really enjoyed cooking at our new house and I love all the help I have been getting from my "little helpers"!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

How do I hide all my scissors from my children????

The picture below says it all!!!!!

I sent Robyn into my room to get a comb after her bath so I could do her hair. As I was combing it...big clumps of hair kept falling out. I could not believe my eyes...why would Robyn's hair be falling out in big clumps?! As I was trying to hold back the tears I asked her if she cut her hair. She answered yes she did. So I had her show me what scissors she used. It turned out she used scissors that you use to cut finger nails. Now I will be throwing those scissors in the trash. Robyn is lucky that she has ALLOT of hair so unless you knew what she did you probably would not notice. Unfortunately I did not handle this the best. I was pretty devastated. It is only hair and it will grow back right?! Luckily I got some good pictures of her already in her Easter dress so I will probably not be taking any tomorrow.


Thursday, March 20, 2008

Ouch!! Some lessons are learned the hard way!

LoriAnne does not like to wear shoes. I keep telling her that she needs to wear shoes when she plays outside so she does not get splinters on our deck. On Monday night she learned what a splinter is. Of course she had to get one that went deep under her skin. She is our child with a very low tollerance for pain. We had Robyn on the side lines wanting to watch everything. I hope she now listens because I do not want to have to go through that again!

Sick or just teething????

Jonathan had not been "feeling well" from Sunday until Wednesday. I am not sure if he is just teething or if he had an illness of some sort. This is what he looked like for Sunday and Monday.

He started feeling better on Tuesday and by yesterday he looked like the below picture.

It is soooooo nice having my happy baby boy back!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Pics of House

I have had some requests to post pics of the house. I will definitely do it. We are waiting for some furniture to arrive. So as soon as it comes and we have a few more things done here I will post pictures of the inside (probably sometime in April). Here are a few pics of the outside. We did not take these. They were taken by the person who came out to do the appraisal. So the previous owners cars are in the front and back yards.

view of the front of the house

view of the back of the house (and part of the back yard)

view of our neighborhood (we live on a very quiet street)

Rainy Day = No Playing Outside

So yesterday was a "rainy day" ALL day! Robyn asked "how am I going to get my energy out if I can't go outside"? The kids did not like being stuck in the house especially after a few days of playing outside in the sun. I let the kids watch a few movies just to help the time pass by quickly.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Nice Weather and Loving IT!!!!!

We have had FABULOUS weather here the last couple of days. The children have been loving it! They have spent almost the entire day yesterday and today outside. I LOVE having a back yard for the kids. Our deck in the back yard is big enough for the kids to ride their bikes on and Dave set up a trampoline in our yard yesterday.

LoriAnne and Mikey playing on the play set.

Mikey saying "Look at me mom"!

The girls painting on the deck. They had so much fun painting.

Robyn PATIENTLY waiting for "daddy" to put the trampoline together.

The girls having a blast on their new trampoline. They have spent many hours on it today!

I jumped on the trampoline for about 15 minutes and had enough. How do these girls jump on it for soooooooooooooo long???!

The last picture was taken because LoriAnne wanted her picture taken. She could see her reflection in the window on the back door.She kept saying mom "I'm a pretty princess". Yes, she is a pretty princess. Funny kids!!!! They sure make life fun!

A Funny Story

This little guy is keeping us on our toes. He is sooooooo funny. Jonathan's favorite thing to say now is "ASHES, ASHES, FALL DOWN"! (That is because Mikey and LoriAnne play and sing ring-around the rosies multiple times a day :) So this past Sunday I was asked to give the closing prayer in Relief Society. After the closing hymn I walk to the front of the Relief Society room and begin praying as this cute little guy belts out "ASHES, ASHES, FALL DOWN" over and over again until I stopped praying. Every sister in the ward now knows who he is :).

Then tonight for dinner we had spaghetti and he decided to dump his spaghetti out of his bowl and yells "I did it"! So I scooped it all up again and he dumped it again and yells again "I did it"!

So, I left his mess on his tray and one by one he put a strand of spaghetti back into his bowl and as he put each one in he would say "I did it"! Sooooooo Cute!

Monday, March 10, 2008

A trip to the Nashville Zoo

Today we went to the Nashville Zoo. We went with our friends Sophia, Emma, Sabrina, & Meredith. I only took the girls. My mom stayed home with the boys. Mikey has been having problems with his asthma the last couple of days.

Sabrina, LoriAnne, Robyn, & Emma in front of the Nashville Zoo.
Robyn having fun with her friends.

LoriAnne having fun being out of the house :)

Snack time!!!!

The girls thought this was funny! These alligators were just lying there not moving.

The last thing we did was ride the carousel. The girls always enjoy riding the carousel.

The weather was great today. It was nice being out walking around and enjoying the zoo. I have really missed the LA Zoo. The Nashville Zoo is nice. Today was our first day there of many more days to come.

Our "New Addition" to the Family

Meet Snickers...the new addition to our family. She is about 3 months old. I think she has more energy then my kids. If that is even possible. LoriAnne is the only child that is not afraid of her. They all will pet her if Dave or I are holding her but once we put her down Robyn & Michael are afraid of her. I am sure they will be ok with her soon. She is part lab and golden retriever.

"We have winter here" quote from Robyn

It has snowed here 4 times since we moved here. 3 of the times the snow melted as it fell to the gorund. However, Saturday morning we woke up to enough snow on the ground for the kids to play in. The boys were not interested in playing in the cold snow.

LoriAnne did not believe me that the snow is cold. So she refused to put clothes on and a jacket. It did not take long for her to realize that she did not make the best decision of going out in the snow in her night gown.

LoriAnne enjoyed throwing the snow and tried to eat some of it. I think I stopped her before she did it though....

Robyn was just happy to be outside playing. She really is our "outdoors" girl.