Thursday, May 22, 2008

This is kind of interesting...

Amy Pendley
LogoThere are
people with my name
in the U.S.A.

How many have your name?

Amy Solum
LogoThere are
people with my name
in the U.S.A.

How many have your name?

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Happy "5th" Birthday Robyn!!!!

Robyn turned 5 years old today! I can not believe it has been 5 years since she was born. She is sooooo excited to go to Kindergarten. I found this picture of her when she was 6 weeks old. This is one of my favorite pics of her. Robyn came into this world smiling. She has always had a "happy" disposition.

Robyn loves everyone! She brightens a room when she enters. When Robyn opened up her presents she would shout out in excitement "this is always what I wanted...thank you". She really makes you feel like you really did give her the best present ever. We love you Robyn. Thanks for being you and bringing so much happiness into our family!

Discovery Center in Murfreesboro

Yesterday we went to the Discovery Center in Murfreesboro, Tn. Our Friends Sophia, Emma, Sabrina, & Meredith joined us for a fun day there. There was so much to do we ended up being there all day. I bought an annual membership that gets us into ALLOT of museums so I am excited to check out some other places. As you can see in the pictures all the kids had a blast. Even Jonathan wanted to be involved in everything with the big kids.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

2nd largest yard sale in Tennessee

We had a fun "FAMILY" day today. Tennesse has 2 large yard sales every year. Today we went to the second largest yard sale they have which is almost 95 miles. The largest yard sale is in August (it is actually the world's largest yard sale). That yard sale covers 5 states and is 630 miles.
This is a pic of one of the many places we stopped to check out what they were selling. The kids really enjoyed it. I think the best buy today was an adjustable basketball hoop for the kids that we paid $2.00 for.

They have this yard sale every year to coincide with the Strawberry Festival. So we stopped at a strawberry patch and the kids picked strawberries. Everytime I turned around LoriAnne was eating the strawberries she picked.

Dave and Robyn continued to pick strawberries until they filled 6 baskets. The 3 little ones were getting tired so we waited on the "side lines" while Dave and Robyn worked :)

The weather was great which made for a perfect day! We are really enjoying living in Tennessee.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Our Very Own Houdini

Snickers our "growing puppy" is a very energetic dog. She LOVES attention! We had her on a dog run in the back yard but when anyone walked into the backyard she would go nuts. She pulled so hard on the dog run it seemed like she was choking herself with her collar. She finally broke her collar. Then I got her a harness so she wouldn't choke herself. Well, she figured out how to slip out of the harness no matter how we adjusted it. So the next alternative was this fenced area for her to have her own space. So far it has been working out great. The kids can play outside and we don't have to worry about the dog getting loose.

Now...we have a cat too. Well the cat is not ours. Although the cat has made our home her home. We are not sure where the cat came from. As you can see the girls love her. The cat is very sweet. She seems to love children which may be the reason she won't leave our house. The girls have named her Pearl. The cat has been here for a week. I haven't fed her because I didn't want her sticking around but it looks like I better go shopping...she does not seem to be leaving anytime soon.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

An uneventful day...sort of

Today I planned on just being home and for the most part relaxing. The kids played outside for a while and we had our first visit from a social worker (for the boys). Then around 1:30pm we had a knock on our front door and it was the channel 4 news.

You can see me, Robyn, LoriAnne, and some neighbor kids on the below link. Yes, I was on TV! I was interviewed regarding the "Mack Hatcher Project" which would knock down 17 homes in the area including ours. We do not feel like it is going to happen any time soon. You can see the video clip by clicking on the below link

Here is a picture of the kids having fun playing with playdo outside today. It was a gorgeous day. We were outside for most of the day.

Jonathan enjoying being outside with everyone!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

LoriAnne is 3 years old now!!!!

LoriAnne turned 3 years old on Sunday May 4th. She has grown up a lot over the past couple of months. LoriAnne is our dancing princess. She dances to any music (or even without music). LoriAnne loves to dress up as a princess. For her birthday she received a couple tiaras and other princess accessories and she has worn them everyday since then. We have been so blessed to have her as part of our family. I love to watch her as she learns new things...she is always amazing us. LoriAnne puts smiles on our faces throughout the day with her sweet personality. She is excited to start preschool in a couple of months. I could go on and on about this girl that we love and adore but you get the point. WE THINK SHE IS WONDERFUL and we are blessed to have her in our family!

Thank Goodness for Indoor Playgrounds

Yesterday I needed to get out of the house with the kids. I did not really want to go to the park for various reasons. So I took the kids to McDonalds and let them play there. Our McDonalds has a really nice indoor play structure. The kids had a blast. For the first time yesterday Mikey was able to climb up the structure (anyone who knows his history knows what a huge accomplishment this is...he will be 2 1/2 next month he has come along way over the past year).

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Happy Birthday LoriAnne & Robyn

Today is LoriAnne's 3rd birthday. I will do a seperate post on her tomorrow. I am to tired to have to think right now :) This evening we had cake to celebrate Robyn & LoriAnne's b-days. It was easier to just do them both at the same time this year. They both wanted a princess cake which made it easy on me. They both agreed on the same cake so I only had to make one cake for both of them. Robyn will open her presents on her actual birthday which is coming up in a couple of weeks. I figure by the time I have grandchildren I should have enough cake decorating experience and I can really make nice birthday cakes by then :) Before LoriAnne went to bed tonight she said "Mom, today has been a good day" Happy Birthday to my girls!

Hurray for Swimming Pools

Yesterday Dave set up the pool in the back yard. It is a decent size pool 4' x 18'. We let the kids play in it while it was filling up. Robyn was using the pool as a slip and slide. She was having a blast and we were enjoying watching her. LoriAnne and Michael were having fun splashing around. For some reason they weren't into sliding around the pool like Robyn. I don't know how Robyn never gets hurt. She is one tough kid.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Build A Bear

This evening we celebrated Robyn & LoriAnne's b-day at Build-A-Bear with Sophia's girls. This is part 1 to their birthdays. I did not get a chance to make their cake yet so we will be having cake on Sunday.

A Day with Friends

Today I watched Sophia's kids. My kids enjoyed having friends over and it helped make the day go by fast!